The Weight of the Cross We Bear


Size: 12inx18in

It is likely to be a stressful time for those who work on the front lines of health care. In the midst of their own physical and spiritual limitations, they are being asked to take care of patients that may go home, may stay for weeks, or may very well not leave the hospital at all. This is a huge mental strain, and it’s so difficult to keep the faith when faced with life and death situations every hour of every day. For the christian there is no such thing as senseless suffering there is only such thing as wasted suffering. We are the body of christ! Love in midst of suffering. He transforms suffering, and shares part of everyone’s cross. Let me not waste this particle of your cross. Faith & trust, in a world undone. We are the body of christ on earth. He still suffers in us and in us he will die and in us he will rise and triumph. Father I Trust in you, use this!

(Continuous Contour Drawing - quick sketch on card stock for all the healthcare workers carrying their cross right now. We see you! May this be a prayer to you and your efforts.

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